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Bonus Content and Downloads

▲ Full episode with available download

▲ 01. Other applications of real-time fMRI

▲ 02. What it’s like being in an fMRI machine

▲ 03. Inclusion & exclusion criteria

▲ 04. Subconscious learning

▲ 05. Translating fMRI feedback to other modalities

▲ 06. Evidence-based neurofeedback beyond fMRI

▲ 07. Drawbacks of cross-over designs

▲ 08. Possible explanations of neurofeedback learning

▲ 09. Optimizing dose in R61 & R33 NIHM-funded multi-leg interventions

▲ 10. Drawbacks of interleaving assessments with neurofeedback scans

▲ 11. Difficulty of recruiting patients

▲ 12. Interest in neuroscience research re: video games